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  • Melbourne Welsh Church (2,859)
    To quote from the Melbourne Welsh Church website:
    "We are a radically inclusive church, a warm and welcoming worship community situated near the heart of Melbourne. Don’t let the name confuse you, you do not have to be Welsh to worship with us. We were founded over 150 years ago to serve the Welsh People of Melbourne but since then our horizons have broadened and now we see ourselves as a very multi-cultural church, one in which you will find a welcome. We offer a traditional Welsh welcome to all people, regardless of age, sex, orientation, denomination or national origin."
  • Perth Uniting Church (1,786)
    The Welsh Free Church of Western Australia gratefully acknowledges the support and assistance provided to us by the Uniting Church in the City.
  • Welsh Society of Western Australia (1,938)
    We have a close affiliation with the Welsh Society of Western Australia.